river otter swimming

The Small-clawed Asian Otter is a captivating semi-aquatic mammal!

It is the smallest otter species and possesses unique features such as small claws and a slender body. These otters are highly social, excellent swimmers, and known for their playful behavior. They primarily inhabit wetland areas and feed on a diverse diet of fish, crustaceans, and amphibians.

Unfortunately, they face threats from habitat loss and degradation. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect this species and preserve their important ecological role.

OhioHealth Tip: If you’re swimming like an otter, sunscreen is a must. It’s a key step before heading outdoors. Kids should wear sunscreen all the time outdoors, even if they are wearing clothes. Try using a tear-free formula on their face and have them wear a hat. Sunscreen sprays can make application a lot quicker on squirmy children!