It’s dark in here!

The Nocturnal & Aviary building is home to a wide variety of species who prefer night skies to sunny days. Nocturnal species have specifically evolved to navigate in the dark more effectively than others.

The animals calling the Zoo "home" are from Australia and the Islands – can you think of any nocturnal animals here in Ohio?

OhioHealth Tip: Summer is such a fun time for kids (no school!), but did you know children get hurt more during the summer than any other season?

We have some tips for keeping your kids safe...Starting with bugs!

  • Be sure to spray your children with bug spray if they’re going to be outdoors.
  • Mosquitos are very active during the early morning and early evening.
  • To make spotting a tick easier, dress your kids in light colored clothes. Ticks are common in grassy and wooded areas but it is possible to get one playing in the backyard, so use bug spray and check for ticks when you come inside.