okapi looking backwards

Also known as Forest Giraffe, the Okapi is the only relative of the giraffe!

Just like a giraffe, they have an extra-long tongue, at 14-18 inches they can even lick their own ears!  The stripes on the hind legs serve as a perfect camouflage for the Okapi in the thick forest.  The unique zebra-like stripe patterns on their legs merge with the partial sunlight that filters through the dense rain forest canopy offering camouflage and protection from predators.

OhioHealth Tip: You and your family can have lots of outdoor fun this summer. Here are some helpful hints:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes
  • Wear a hat
  • Stay in the shade when possible
  • Rest often
  • Mist yourself with a water bottle to cool off
  • Limit your time outdoors on very hot and humid days

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